Our expertise is to connect nanotechnology competences from different sectors, in particular economy, science, politics and education. With a focus on small and medium-sized companies we primarily support networking among SMEs, but also include universities, colleges and research institutes. We support the efficient transfer of R&D&I results into marketable products and promote cooperation activities between the different stakeholders.
Our topics include the design and synthesis of nano and hybrid materials, the development of processing technologies, the establishment of analytics & quality control as well as the successful communication of nano products (including opportunity and risk assessment). The Cluster Nanotechnology is managed by the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH.
Together, we can achieve more – a strong network emerges through the bundled skills and competences.
You will also find more information on our services and the participants and partners of the Cluster Nanotechnology!
active partners
of funding
R&D&I projects
Benefit from our knowledge in this high technology sector and foster the opportunities of nanotechnologies!
The LMU Center for NanoScience and four LMU spin-off companies, including ibidi, jointly award innovative doctoral theses on nanotechnology.
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
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