The Network NanoCarbon presents: focus workshop „Nanocarbons for energy storage“

October 14, 2020, 9:30-14h

How can nanocarbons improve the future of energy storage? Meet the experts, join the discussion and find out during the focus workshop „Nanocarbons for energy storage“.

Planned topics are Li-ion batteries and their alternatives, supercapacitors and fuel cells. Do you want to give a presentation? Contact us.


October 14, 2020


9:30 – 14:00h


Online event, you will receive login data and further information


150 € for external participants

60 € for members of the Nanonetz Bayern e.V. partners in the Cluster’s networks (nanoInk, NanoCarbon, NanoAnalytik, NanoSilber)

Special rates:

Event package

All participants of the NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2021, will receive a 33% reduced rate for the online workshop event:

100 € for external participants

40 € for members of the Nanonetz Bayern e.V. partners in the Cluster’s networks (nanoInk, NanoCarbon, NanoAnalytik, NanoSilber)


9:30 – 12:00 presentations

13:00, ~ 1 hour open discussion

14:30 – 15:30 closed meeting of the Network NanoCarbon

The detailed program will be published in September. All prices are subject to VAT. Organiser: Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH. Contact: Dr. Stefanie Bertsch, stefanie.bertsch(at), +49 931 31 – 89376.