The Institute for Building Climatology (IBK) at the Dresden University of Technology (Faculty of Architecture) is internationally established for theoretical and applied research on transport of heat, moisture, air and salt in building and construction materials. We develop user-friendly simulation tools based on physical modelling, laboratory tests and specialized engineering services. An important goal of the research work is the provision of the knowledge gained for other research institutions and construction practice.
Within the network, software modeling of heat and cold sources (with the established software DELPHIN 6) as well as coupling of different simulation domains will be carried out to support the development of geothermal systems and product development. Further, IBK supports via the creation of software specially tailored to the needs of SMEs and experience in monitoring building physics (temperature, material moisture measurements, material parameterization, etc.).
In the network, the TU Dresden provides excellent access to available simulation models in geothermal energy and undertakes the further development of these models for the purposes addressed here, with constant feedback between modelling and results from practical experiments.
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Andreas-Schubert-Bau/ Zi. 321, Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden