Submission of contributions

Show your results with an oral presentation, find new project partners by giving a Short Pitch or demonstrate your products in the accompanying exhibition. Registration of contributions (presentations, posters, demonstrators or products) is possible from now until March 04th.

We are looking forward to numerous submissions and your contribution!


Presentations can be submitted as of now. The organisation committee will compose an interesting and versatile program from all applications received. Please submit your contribution including a short abstract until Monday, March 4th, 2019.

Lecture time: 20 min

Short Pitch

A Short Pitch lets you introduce your company, institute or product and present a project idea or problem in the field of nanosilver. Each Short Pitch (or elevator pitch) includes a 5 minute short presentation and 5 more minutes for questions. The goal is to spark the interest of your audience and to convey your main idea. You are welcome to complement your Short Pitch with a participation in the exhibition.

Short Pitches can be submitted as of now. Please submit your contribution until Monday, March 04th, 2019.

Accompanying exhibition

Manufacturers of materials and equiment have the opportunity to present their demonstrators and products to the interested community in an accompanying exhibition. Please contact us with any questions or for further information.