TU Bergakademie Freiberg is the world´s oldest university for mining science (founded in 1765) and has nowadays a unique profile as a resource university. TUBAF pursues four core fields – Geo, Materials, Energy and Environment with the focus on sustainability, energy management and recycling of materials and substances. Especially in the area of materials, the scientists of TUBAF address the exploration and development of new, functional materials, related production processes and wide application fields.
The Institute of Electronic and Sensor Materials at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology focuses on the interface and surface chemistry of materials used in electronics, chemical and biological sensing, catalysis, and membrane technology. Various materials and their surfaces are researched. The competences of the institute include material synthesis, coating technologies as well as the characterization of materials and their functionalities, especially of nanoscale materials.
In 2020 the IESM institute was granted the EXIST-Forschungstransfer for founding a spin-off company of TU Bergakademie Freiberg for producing novel metal nanoparticles in an automated manner and further processing them into conducting inkjet-inks for printed electronics. The focus of NaPaGen lies on the formulation of a biocompatible gold ink for e.g. biosensors. Furthermore, the institute with its spin-off is engaged in the production of various (also anisotropic) nanomaterials, as for example silver and platinum particles, magnetic particles as well as core-shell-structures, which consist of at least two different functional materials.
TU Freiberg
Institut für Elektronik- und Sensormaterialien
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 3
09599 Freiberg