Leibniz Institute for New Materials

INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials is focused on the research and development of materials – for today, tomorrow and the future. Chemists, physicists, biologists, materials and engineering scientists shape the work at INM. From molecule to pilot production, they follow the recurring questions: Which material properties are new, how can they be investigated and how can they be used in the future? Its main research fields are Nanocomposite Technology, Interface Materials, and Biointerfaces.

To boost Printed Electronics, INM is developing

  • Hybrid inks that combine the benefits of metallic nanoparticles and conducting polymer shells. Thus printed electronics without sintering are possible on paper or foils.
  • Imprinting processes to produce transparent and conducting nano grids with gold nanowires on flexible materials with required structures.
  • Electrospinning processes for unstructured fiber networks to produce low haze transparent flexible electrodes.
  • Photochemical metallization to enable electrodes on foil or silicone.
  • Inkjet processes with TCO nanoparticles to print flexible touchscreens cost-efficiently.

INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials, situated in Saarbrücken/Germany, is an internationally leading centre for materials research. It is a scientific partner to national and international institutes and a provider of research and development for companies throughout the world. INM is an institute of the Scientific Association Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and employs around 240 collaborators.


Further information to hybrid inks and imprinting:

Prof. Tobias Kraus
Head Structure Formation
Deputy Head InnovationCenter INM
Phone: +49681-9300-389


Further information to Electrospinning, photochemical metallization and inkjet-processes:

Dr. Peter William de Oliveira
Head Optical Materials
Head  InnovationCenter INM
Phone: +49681-9300-148

Leibniz INM

Uni-Campus Nord 2
D - 66123 Saarbrücken
