NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2019

NanoCarbon goes industry

About 80 participants from 10 different countries took part in the NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2019 in Würzburg.

For the 5th time the Network NanoCarbon invited to the Annual Conference in Würzburg, which took place on February 26th and 27th, 2019. Around 80 participants from 10 different countries took the chance to exchange their ideas and discuss about the current state of the art of nanocarbons and the materials thereof. This event has been established during the last years by the Cluster Nanotechnology and the Network NanoCarbon as an annual conference in Würzburg, which usually takes place at the end of February.

The NanoCarbon Annual Conference offers an open forum and an ideal opportunity to the international nanocarbon community for exchanging results about the latest developments and applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphenes. The key goal for the conference is to support intensive networking between innovative small- and medium-sized enterprises, large companies and representatives from the fields of research and development. On the title “NanoCarbon goes industry”, this years´ conference particularly addressed industry delegates seeking new trends and partners for cooperations.

20 plenary speakers gave an overview of the future technologies´potentials in 5 different sessions, namely industrialisation, upscaling and standardisation, energy storage and conversion, safety and analytics and high performance composites. Additionally, a special session highlighting the success stories from 10 years of Inno.CNT was organised.
Furthermore, researchers had the chance to present their latest results and applications in form of 5 minute talks, so called short pitches. These incentive presentations were often used as a starting point for further discussions in front of an additional poster.

For the third time, the event was located at the Audimax and the generously designed atrium in front of the auditorium at the Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg, which offered an outstanding location for the poster presentation. This has been an established feature of the NanoCarbon Annual Conference from the beginning on and gave researchers the chance to discuss their results with other participants of the conference. This years´poster award was given to Hauke Meeuw from the Hamburg University of Technology for his poster on nanocarbon filled epoxy resins.

The atrium in the universities main building also provided an exceptional place for the accompanying exhibition. International producers of nanocarbon materials and devices demonstrated their products to the interested specialist audience.

The conference dinner during a boat ride on the river Main on the first day of the conference was considered as a further highlight of the conference. This evening event created an ideal scenery for intense discussions and a valuable exchange of ideas among the participants.

The next NanoCarbon Annual Conference will take place on the 13th and 14th of October, 2020, in Würzburg. Save the date!

Poster Award:
Congratulations to the winners of the Poster Award!
1st place: Carbon Nanoparticles’ Impact on Processibility and Physical Properties of Epoxy Resins
H. Meeuw, J. Körbelin, V. K. Wisniewski, U. Köpke, A. S. Nia, A. R. Vázquez, M. R. Lohe, X. Feng, B. Fiedler, Institute for Polymer and Composites, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany.

2nd place: CNTs embedded in breathable PU-membranes provide a comfortable heating
K. Trommer, C. Petzold, Forschungsinstitut für Leder und Kunststoffbahnen FILK, Freiberg, Germany.

3rd place: Direction dependent electrical conductivity of polymer/carbon filler composites
K. Kunz, B. Krause, B. Kretzschmar, L. Juhasz, W. Jenschke, M. Ullrich, P. Pötschke, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), Dresden, Germany.

Further information:
The conference documents, including the abstract book as well as the released presentations are available to the interested community via download against a small handling fee (Contact: sonja.pfeuffer(at), Phone: +49 931 31 89372)

The Network NanoCarbon, which is managed by the Cluster Nanotechnology is an open network for the development of marketable nanocarbon products. The network partners are experts in the field of production, processing, application and disposal of these materials, i.e. for the entire life cycle of these products. Aiming to accelerate the technology transfer, small and medium-sized enterprises are in the focus of the network activities.

For further information about the Network NanoCarbon please refer to;
(Contact: Dr. Julia Schuster, julia.schuster(at), Phone: +49 931 31 89376)

NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2019
Diamond Sponsors
NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2019

Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH

Conference days
February 26 and 27, 2019

Conference venue
University of Würzburg
Sanderring 2
97074 Würzburg