Carbon nanomaterials – Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) and Nanohorns (CNHs) as well as graphene – were the focus topics of the Annual Conference NanoCarbon 2016.
From February 23 to 24, 2016 nearly one hundred participants from twelve countries, among them Japan, Korea and the US, discussed latest developments and application possibilities of carbon nanomaterials. The conference was organized by the Cluster Nanotechnology and the Network NanoCarbon. For the nanocarbon community the conference serves as important platform for communication and the exchange of information far beyond Germany. The intense networking offers to all participants the chance to use the existing know-how more effictively and to generate synergies on a high level. The participants came from the fields of application-oriented research and development and from the industry. While combining the specific application and market demands, the annual conference offered an optimal basis for the stimulation of new cooperations and for future, economically feasible developments for the market.
The thematic topics of the two-day conference were new developments in materials, analytics as well as nanocomposites. In the focus were already existing applications for carbon nanotubes (CNTs), i.e. the application in the field of energy storage or (thermal) conductivity.
A particular highlight was the accompanying exhibition. Manufacturers of carbon nanomaterials as well as equipment manufacturers presented their developments and products to the interested audience.
The feedback of the conference participants was excellent:
We are already looking forward to the upcoming Annual Conference NanoCarbon. Save the Date: February 21 - 22, 2017, Würzburg/Germany.
Further information:
The conference documents including abstract book as well as the given presentations which are free for distribution will be made availbable to the interested community via download against a small handling fee from the middle of March onwards. (Contact: Sonja Pfeuffer, sonja.pfeuffer(at), Phone: +49 931 31-89372).
The Network NanoCarbon which is managed by the Cluster Nanotechnology is an open network for the development of marketable nanocarbon products. The network partners are experts in the field of production, processing, application and disposal of these materials, i.e. for the entire life cycle of these products. In the focus of the network activities are small and medium-sized enterprises aiming to accelerate the technology transfer.
For further information about the Network NanoCarbon please refer to (Contact: Dr. Stefanie Bertsch,, + 49 931 31-89376).