Founded in 2001 as a spin-off of the University of Barcelona, the Sensofar Group is headquartered in Barcelona, also known as a technology and innovation hub in Europe. The Group is represented in over 30 countries through a global network of partners and has its own offices in Asia, Germany and the United States.
Sensofar Metrology is a multi-national company whose mission is to develop, manufacture and market high-end 3D surface metrology instruments. We also provide consultancy within the field of metrology, and pursue a philosophy of guaranteeing advanced techniques, high quality and customer services.
Sensofar Metrology provides high-accuracy 3D optical measurement systems based on confocal, interferometry (white light and phase shift interferometry), Ai focus variation, reflectometry and fringe projection techniques. With our systems we can measure surface structures from sub-nanometer to millimeter level. We offer systems from standard setups for R&D and quality inspection laboratories to complete non-contact metrology solutions for in-line production processes.
Ctra. BV1274, Km.1
08225 Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain