Nanotechnology-based innovations have great potential in electric mobility.
The use and incorporation of hybrid nanomaterials enables the production of materials and substances with specifically adjustable chemical and physical properties. In the field of electromobility, a broad portfolio of products results that can be optimized by such materials: energy storage or conversion systems, power electronics components, powertrain and electric motor, car body, and much more.
A key issue for electromobility is the development of more efficient and safe energy storage systems with higher power densities, longer service lives and lower weight.
The use of special potting compounds and modern adhesives in microelectronic components ensures a high level of safety for electronic components in electric vehicles.
With increasing voltage and speeds of up to 15,000 rpm, strong alternating electric fields are generated in electric motors, which can lead to electrical discharges and consequently to damage ("electro pitting").
The use of lightweight construction materials in electromobility can reduce weight and thus save energy.