Within nano week 2020 and parallel to the exhibition nano tech which took place from January 29 – 31, 2020 in Tokyo / Japan, the Cluster Nanotechnology organised in cooperation with the Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency JST and with the support of the Free State of Bavaria Office in Japan the
Second German-Japanese Nanotechnology Commercialization Workshop.
In their introducing talks five innovation drivers from Germany and Japan each presented their current developments and, thus, supported the technology transfer between both countries. In the second part of the workshop, strategies for a successful market entry and the different business models have been discussed with 30 participants.
For the prepartation, advertisement of in Japan and the realization of the workshop the Cluster Nanotechnology has been supported by the Free State of Bavaria Office in Japan. Dr. Mochida, Senior Advisor, participated personally and delivered the concluding remarks.
The bilateral workshop offered an optimal opportunity for an intense exchange of information between the German and Japanese actors in the field of nanotechnologies. Furthermore, the event fostered the German-Japanese networking and the stimulation of cooperations.