Registration for the online event Dialog Nanotechnology

General information:

The Dialog Nanotechnology is an open platform for factual discussions and the professional exchange of applications, knowledge and current findings on the subject of nanotechnology.

Registration deadline: 24 hours before the start of the event

Format: Online event (ZOOM)

Participation fees: €60.00 / per appointment (minus a 20% discount for network partners as well as association and network members of the Nanotechnology Cluster, the North German Initiative for Nanotechnology, Nano in Germany e.V. and the Leibniz Research Association for Advanced Materials Safety as well as for participants of earlier events of the Nanotechnology Dialogue). Participation fees are plus 19% VAT.

We reserve the right to cancel the event or to make any changes to the program if the number of participants is too low or as a result of force majeure (e.g. several speakers become ill). We will endeavor to inform you in good time in this case. If an event has to be canceled as an exception, the participation fee paid will be refunded immediately. Further liability and claims for damages are excluded.

Your registration:




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