Webinar: Stood-up Drop (part I) - dewetting as a revealing surface property

|   Nano Termine

17. Oktober 2024, Online

Widening the scale with a new method by nanoInk Partner KRÜSS

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes don‘t see a big change in wettability for process parameters such as surface treatment duration? Did you ever think that the common static or advancing contact angle does not tell you what you want to know? Then learn about dewetting measurement as a powerful alternative to wetting analysis and join our 3 part webinar on the Stood-up Drop method.

At KRÜSS, we have developed the Stood-up Drop to measure dewetting by means of the recently receded contact angle (RRCA) as an ideal test criterion for changes in material surfaces. Join the first live event of our 3 part Stood-up Drop webinar series! Learn how this method provides insights that help enhance your surface optimization processes.

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
  • Timeslot 1: 9 AM CEST (7 AM UTC)
  • Timeslot 2: 4 PM CEST (2 PM UTC)
  • Presenter: Dr. Thomas Willers (Director Product & Business Strategy)
  • Duration: Approx. 1 hour including a Q&A session

Can't make it? Register anyway to receive a copy of the recording.

What we are discussing

Dr. Thomas Willers (Director Product & Business Strategy) will explain how the wetting world was missing out for decades by neglecting the dewetting side and how the Stood-up Drop fills the gap. You will get to understand what the difference between wetting and dewetting analysis is and what the recently receded contact angle (RRCA) tells you. You will dive into the first of many use cases where the Stood-up Drop strongly correlates with surface chemical parameters relevant for QC as well as R&D.

What know-how you will gain
  • What there is to do if the contact angle doesn’t change with the surface treatment duration, adhesion behavior, or other parameters that are supposed to influence wettability.
  • Measuring the RRCA with a liquid jet: user-independent dewetting analysis with great ease of use.
  • Seamlessly integrating dewetting measurement when already working with a KRÜSS Drop Shape Analyzer.

More information and registration: https://visit.kruss-scientific.com/webinar-stood-up-drop-general

